With this exceptional context due to the coronavirus epidemic, it is difficult to find an internship in journalism. But second year students at the ISJT are not desperate. Here are their very varied and rich profiles in case an employer comes to visit the 5w.
« During my formation as a future reporter, I chosen internships which are not related to sport the point was to get out of muy comfort zone and experience the diversity that journalisme offers. That makes me able to say that I can write on everything but jont don’t really care about other subject ony my lovely sport makes me happy. I now that since day one because of first ever experience in a media when I was in my last year of high school. It was on 2STV, one of the most watched channels in Senegal. They hold the broadcasting rights of the champions league in the country. The before and post-game show was presented by my someone I known Adama Kandé. «
« After a few exchanges on the issues of the games of the knock-out syage, he invited me to participate in the show in a small section name of « spectator analysis » was back to me. I never have fun the way I had that time. For my internship this year my goal is to integrate sports media for a full first experience in what love and what I’m built fort : sport, more specifically my passions : football, american football and basketball (NBA). I can talk about it and analyze it in many different way : marketing, economical, social, technical. My goal this year is to show my talent on the subject I love.«
« The biggest of my qualities is that I’m a humble worker, hungry to learn and I’m ready for whatever it takes. «
« I am a second year journalism student at ISJT. I like a lot of subjects at school like radio, television and geopolitics. But my favorite area is writting press, I love to write on any subject. My dream and my long-term goal is to become one day a sports journaliste, specialised in tennis whitch have a great importance in my life. I am passionate about sports in general and I am a dynamic, enthusiastic and open-minded person.«
« This year, I had the chance to do my first year internship in a tennis media, in Tennis Legend. This is the reference website in the little yellow ball. It was an enriching and very formative experience. During three months, I wrote articles on all periods in the history of tennis. My culture has grown enormously.«
« Hello, I’m introducing myself, i’m Amin Abdullahi i’m 23 years old. I begining my second year in school of journalism. Before, I went to the Jean Jaurés university after I got my bachelor degree. I was not ready for that, beacause at the uniersity you realy needs to be independant, you feel like you’re alone. So I didn’t got my degree, but I grab some experience. After that i went to a certification on communication, than i got. I have improve
on my oral expression and my confidence, beacause i had to a lot of presentation. And last year i came to the ISJT; My first year was speciale, i dicovered new methodology of works, new environement, that was very interesting. With a lot of motivation i to push off my difficulties. And my motivation is my best strenght, I never quit. «
« If i have a meeting, I want to make feel my determination over my skills. In my mind, someone whith motivation and have a strong mindset is more interesting than someone who just have skills. My last ace is my
comprehension, when i’m reveiving an advice. I learn, understand and applie.«
« My name is ABAINE Abal’kassim. I’m 21. I was born in Mayotte, on 30 July, 1999. I’m a student of ISJT, a journalism school in Toulouse. Last year I did my internship of prepa 2 in Mayotte. It was a very good experience because I worked like a image reporter. I did 100 reportage for this media on 5 month. The last year I worked for four weeks in radio occitania in Toulouse. It was good experience for my voice but I prefer images.
Later for my futur carear I hope to work for France Tv and make a big documentary. This is my dream because I love images.«
« This is my life. Hello I’m Chris and I was at 21 years old a student in a journalism school called ISJT. Everyday, I take the subway to join my school in the city of Toulouse. During 15 minutes I see some peoples. But I can’t speak with him because everybody have is headphone. Since I am a little boy, I am not afraid to go to see people. Discuss and laught with strangers was so interesting. I still remember a meeting in New York City. This was in 2017 in Mac Donalds. I discuss with a old man about the life, the
politics in France because he knows french president. «
« I like also travel. Portugal, Spain, England, United States of America. See differents landscapes and discover different culture is amazing. So, I’m a student
in journalism and I’m inevitably curious. I love learning things. I read a lot of books and watch some serie on Netflix.«
« I’m twenty one and I’m born in Toulouse. I’m student in journalism since four years. I love to read the sports press, see art gallery and write about design. I came to ISJT to learn the profession of journalist and find my journalism style. Over time, I found my passion which is print media and the type of subject I like to write about. Now I hope to become a journalist in magazines specializing in my areas of interest. Fashion, music, design and art. To get there, I go on internships in print media such as Luxe n’ You and Dis-Leur!
I hope to work in a design magazine for my next internship to improve my knowledge in this area and fill in my address book.«
« The perfect future for me, would be to live in London, in a beautiful part of the capital and work in a magazine that talks about fashion or design.
For now, I am still practicing improving my writing skills and my speed. I want to get out of this school, being the best journalist I can be. I also hope that the covid will disappear to allow the journalist to work properly. Conditions are not currently bad for journalists.«
« I’m Gala, a 24 year’s old women. I’m starting my second year as a journalist student in ISJT. I came here after three years of musicology at the university. I’m a singer but working in music isn’t easy. So I passed a test to enter this school. And two years later, I’m still here ! During my first year, I discovered writing press, radio and TV newspapers. At first, my
favourite was writing press… but things change. And after an internship in a local radio in Loire-Atlantique, I started to change my mind.
In March, I first did an internship in a local newspaper. Coronavirus appeared in France so I never saw my editors or colleagues. Two months sitting on my couch writing articles… it was a long confinement…
In may, I went next to Nantes to do a radio internship. It was way more fun !«
« I have my own show, every month I present artists, songs, music that I love. Each episode has a theme. I did one on Jacques Brel and Barbara, or another one on P!nk, the last one was on Rock ballads… I really like it. October’s episode will be about jazz songs… I’m looking forward to do it !
Now, I’m searching for a new internship for December. In October, I’m going to 100% radio in Toulouse. Hopefully, it will be fun ! My dream job is to become a musical photojournalist !«
« I’m Mathieu Yerle, i was born in 1996 in Montauban, and i want to become a journalist. Growing up in the suburbs of Toulouse, i played rugby for years, and i’m still very passionate about it. My other passion is music. I listen to all kinds of music, and play guitar at a very low level. I’ve always
followed the news since i was a kid, so journalism, if not my first idea of studies, came fast in the option I had in my head.«
« My favorite kind of journalism is writing press. I’ve always prefered to read newspapers than watching the news on TV, about all kinds of subjects. I also like Radio, but not really TV. Up to that point, i already did internship at La Depeche Montauban and Actu Rugby in writing press, and
Radio Mon Pais and Radio Radio +. My goal is to write about sports or culture (especially music), witihin a media that can give financial
ressources to do the job and a healthy place of work.«
« I’m Mélanie. I’m 21 years. I’m an athlete to high level. I’ve two passion: athletics and motorbike. I’m here, in this school by chance. Two years ago, I’ve mixed Sociology study and civic servic in web reporter. With this civic servic, i’m became a laureate to « engagement institut ». They pushed me to enter this school. Since college, I wanted become a journalist. Before i wanted become a « war reporter » today i don’t what I prefer. I love written press or radio but i need to make my opinion with experience.«
« I love social fight, particulary « feminist ». I would like go in this domain.
Except journalist, i’m also an athlete like I say it in the beginning. I run a 400m and 200m. I train five to six times during the week. I mix study, run but also a job. I don’t see my futur without athletics. I want to go as for as i can.«
« Originally from Clermont-Ferrand (France), I’ve been raised in the Caribbean, studied in China, roadtriped in Australia, worked in Spain, and ended up in Toulouse. But for how long ?While abroad, I learned a few languages to communicate with the world ; but at some point, I started to wonder : What should I do with my life? Should I contribute to share what I learned? Well, guess what? Now here I am. Developing skills to become a journalist.. and maybe more. «
« Look, at the moment, I’m a historic columnist on a radio based in Paris, and starting in October, I’ll also be a radio host in Quebec, Canada. So stay tuned. I’m full of surprises. Let me tell you that one day you’ll either see my name on reportages, hear my voice on the radio, or watch me on stage, presenting the news… if nobody didn’t not send me on a therapy first !«
« Once upon a time… A little guy who dreamed becoming a football
player. But the crossed ligaments, you know. This boy had dreams in his
head and the future in front of him. Today this boy has become a young
adult, and he tries to turn all his childhood dreams into reality. This
person is me. I’m Ruben, a Portuguese guy, who left his country with his
parents more than 10 years ago. Big sports enthusiast, I decided to do
journalism. Over the course of the courses, I was able to perfect my pen.
I am a sociable person, I also find myself rather funny. I often make
myself laugh myself. I am so resourceful, and I don’t need to held by the
hand. But then why will journalism tell me ? «
« I discovered fantastic passion for images. Capture someone, something or just a moment sometimes. A real desire to inform through images was born in myself. Good next to that, I’m a huge travel enthusiast. A futur globe-trotter. And to finish, i’m a great cooker. The best best like Etchebest. If you are still there, maybe this profile interested you. Touch. Or just made you smile, and it’s already a great victory.«
« Invest, hard-worker, serious. This is three little words. Three little words of me and the people that I am. Three word that I use all the days for my life.
The life that i want and that will really start thanks to one other word : journalism. Some people say that journalism is just a simple job. It’s a huge mistakes. Trough my eyes, journalism is a vocation. The vocation that shoots me to work hard. During my classes, my intership and also my day Off. Because we’re not journalist from 8.am to 5 p.m. It’s more of than.
We’re journalist the Monday for a new recap of the weekend. And also the wednesday night for a huge information at 1 a.m. «
« At the question what kind of journalisme i want to be ? I would say that radio and television suit me the most. They allow me to let my creativity, my sense of detail and my desire to capture the present moment. Because information is information at the present moment. One day later, the information is not the same. And i will end this text like i start it : by three word who translate the most for me the journalism job. Information, relay, know.«
« I’m Tristan, I’m 20 and I study journalism since 4 years
in this school. If I’m coming here, it’s for work the technical aspect of
the journalism. I don’t want to learn some general rules
and points about the work of a journalist in a class
where we can not make it in pracDce. In this school I like the atmosphere and the minding of the class. We are not in compeDDon and we can all help
us. If someone in the class understand something before other, he will explain it to the class, not make an advantage about it.«
« I came from Germany and I always find a way to adapt
myself in a new environment. My first years in France wasn’t easy but that’s give me a double point of vue, with two cultures who are close, but often very far. And I want to use that in my work, in my articles. Find new subject about topics where I don’t know anything and create something with a new point of vue. I really like to discuss with people who are passionated by their work. Because if what they do moDvate then, when they speak to me about that, I understand the motivation, the passion, and the subject become better.«
« E – V – A, is my name which was also the first women on earth, ever. So even if I’m probably the 3276874818997482974th one in the world, there is just one like me. Yes, everyone is unique and has their own qualities and defaults. So what are mine ? Giving that this paper is about boasting myself, let’s focus on the positive. I smile, most of the time. Except when someone steals my food. That should be a crime. My next tattoo will be « NO BAD VIBES » in elfic language. That tattoo is a 100% me : always searching for
good energies and the elfic is because I can be a bit of a weirdo sometimes. But being normal is boring, right ?«
« Professionaly, I’m really ambitious and devoted to proove myself to the world. I always tell my friends and family that if I don’t end up with a Mercedes AMG and an Aston Martin DB11, I will consider my life a
failure. I know, that really sounds materialist, but if you’d ask me « what is the most important thing to you? » I probably would’nt have answered that. So, what will be my answer ? It’s going to sound very « cliché » but is begins with an H and ends with APPY. « smile until you get expression wrinkles » would be my slogan. I guess I am kind of a stereotype, after all : dutch, blond, tall, listens to techno, loves sushi, plays videogames and prefers her coffee with a lot of sugar and milk. Waw, I may be 3276874818997482974th Eva, but I guess I am atypical, in my own way. «
« A thought for the talented Marie-Amélie who could not write her presentation due to an imposed confinement because she was a contact case.«